Tools for model-independent bounds in direct dark matter searches

Data and Results from 1307.5955 [hep-ph], JCAP 10 (2013) 019.

If you use the data provided on this site, please cite:
    M.Cirelli, E.Del Nobile, P.Panci,
    "Tools for model-independent bounds in direct dark matter searches'',

1307.5955, JCAP 10 (2013) 019.

This is Release 3.0 (April 2014). Log of changes at the bottom of this page.

See also: Direct detection bounds for simplified models with a vector mediator can be derived using the tools on this website in combination with the runDM code, available here.

Test Statistic functions:

TS.m file provides the tables of TS for the benchmark case (see the paper for the definition), for the six experiments that we consider (XENON100, CDMS-Ge, COUPP, PICASSO, LUX, SuperCDMS).

Rescaling functions:

The Y.m file provides the rescaling functions Yij(N,N') and Yijlr(N,N') (see the paper for the definition).

Sample file:

The Sample.nb notebook shows how to load and use the above numerical products, and gives some examples. 

Log of changes and releases:

[23 jul 2013] First Release.
[08 oct 2013] Minor changes in the notations in Sample.nb, to match JCAP version. No new release.
[25 nov 2013] New Release: 2.0. Addition of LUX results. This release corresponds to version 3 of 1307.5955 (with Addendum).  
[03 apr 2014] New Release: 3.0. Addition of SuperCDMS results. This release corresponds to version 4 of 1307.5955 (with two Addenda).  
[03 aug 2014] Note on Mathematica v10 compatibility: Mathematica v10, released in 2014, does not assure compatibility with the InterpolatingFunction feature of the previous versions. Wolfram Customer Support can only provide this manual solution (highly unpractical). We suggest that you keep using Mathematica v9.
[16 nov 2014] Note on Mathematica v10 compatibility: the issue above is now solved (Wolfram released a patch of Mathematica v10).

Contact: Eugenio Del Nobile <>, Paolo Panci <>

Last updated: 18 May 2016