I am a CNRS Researcher in the Particle Physics and Cosmology group of the Laboratory of Theoretical and High Energy Physics (LPTHE) of the CNRS and the Sorbonne Université, located on the Jussieu campus in Paris, France.
I'm currently serving as president of the Scientific Council of the UFR (Physics Department - old website) of Sorbonne Université and I am a member of the National Committee of CNRS, in Section 02 (Theoretical Physics - official website).
Until 2015 I have been a member of the Particle Theory group at the Institut
de Physique Théorique of CEA/Saclay,
near Paris.
I have spent 3 years as a CERN Fellow in the Theory Division at CERN, near Geneve, Switzerland.
Previously, I have been a Post Doc in Particle and
AstroParticle Physics at CEA/Saclay.
Before that I had been a Post Doctoral Associate
in Theoretical Particle Physics at Yale
New Haven, CT, Usa.
And I have been a Ph.D. Student in Theoretical Particle Physics at Scuola Normale
Superiore in Pisa, Italy.
I have been (2012-2018) the PI of the ERC Starting Grant 'NewDark -
New Directions in Dark Matter Phenomenology at the TeV Scale'.
This site is my personal web page. It contains mainly
work-related but also personal stuff.
There is also a proper work web page
which however (due to technical
restrictions) is only an empty facade.
My wife Anna Arena is a fashion designer working in Paris, Milan and New York, the founder of The Good Color.
Old Mail Address at Saclay: IPhT, CEA/Saclay (CNRS UMR 3681), Orme des Merisiers, Bat. 774, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France Old office at Saclay: pièce 16A (rez-de-chaussée ouest, ground floor west wing) Old phone at Saclay: +33 (0)1 69 08 70 06 Fax at Saclay: +33 (0)1 69 08 81 20 E-mail: marco.cirelli@cea.fr |
Old Mail
Address at CERN: PH-TH, Case C01600, CERN, CH-1211, Geneve 23, Switzerland Old office at CERN: room 4-1-016 (Building 4) Old phone at CERN: +41 22 76 72443 Fax at CERN: +41 22 76 73850 E-mail: marco.cirelli@cern.ch |
address in Saint-Genis-Pouilly: 16 rue des Hautains, 01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly, France Mobile in France: +33 (0)6 26 88 12 67 |
Old Mail
Address at Yale: Sloane
Physics Laboratory, Yale University, P.O. Box 208120, 06520-8120 New
Haven, CT, Usa Old Office at Yale: SPL 45B Old Phone at Yale: +1.203.432 3653 Old Fax at Yale: +1.203.432 5419 Old E-mail: marco.cirelli@yale.edu |
Old Home
address in the US: 16 Woodbury ave, Apt.#1, 06850 Norwalk, CT, Usa Old Mobile in the US: +1.203.980 5158 |
Old Mail
Address in Pisa: Piazza dei Cavalieri
7 , I-56126 Pisa, Italy Old Office in Pisa: #119, Palazzo Carovana , 4th floor Old Phone in Pisa: +39.050.509094 Old Fax in Pisa: +39.050.563513 Old E-mail: marco.cirelli@sns.it |
Old Home
address in Pisa: via Cardinale Maffi
24, I-56127 Pisa, Italy Old Phone: +39.050.562166 Old Mobile: +39.338.5607607 |
Home Address: via Durazzo 5,
I-20134 Milano, Italy
Phone (and Fax): +39 02 2152774